The story tells that in the 1876 the engineer Ettore Fenderl invented confetti to celebrate the Carnival.

During the celebrations of Carnival, people in the past used to throw from the windows sweets with coriander or coriander covered by a plaster layer. This two habits were expensive, so they were replaced by little clipping of coloured paper: the confetti.

Nowadays it is not only a matter of money, but it is also a matter of sustainability. Often confetti can’t be recycled, they are spread in the environment, as a consequence they polluted it.

Many companies started the production of compostable confetti, or similar items. A new concept of confetti born in Germany where a company ( produces compostable confetti, but they can do more than fade in the environment. They are vegan, they are realized with corn starch and they contain around twenty types of flowers seeds. So while you are celebrating, you are feeding the planet. In fact the selected flowers are very appreciated by bees.

So, if you are thinking at what else you can do to help the planet while you are celebrating the Carnival, I suggest you to start from your costume and your make-up. Here I link you two of my recent posts….And have a good sustainable Carnival!

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