Brian May is not only one of the most famous guitarist of the world, but he’s also an astrophysicist. He finished the PhD in 2007 and recently he has contributed to an intersting book “Bennu: 3-D Anatomy of an Asteroid” written by Dante Lauretta (et al.), principal investigator on NASA’s asteroid-sampling OSIRIS-REx mission, that explain interesting details on asteroids, in particular on the most hazardous asteroid of the Solar System.

The Queen guitarist said “Sort out how we behave on our own planet before we venture out into space.”

“Well, I think it’s now pretty apparent that we are having an effect on the Earth, which is deleterious, and we need to stop doing what we’re doing,” May said when asked how he feels about climate change and July 2023’s record-breaking global temperatures.

“It’s not just about climate change,” he continued. “It’s about the way we’re polluting the Earth and covering it in concrete and, basically, pretty much eliminating all species except the ones that we think are useful to us. So I think we need a major, major change of philosophy in the way we treat the other creatures with which we share this planet.”

The conclusion of May is “We have to behave better on our own planet before we go out putting our imprint on the rest of the cosmos”

Let’s think about it!

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